Here it is, the red-band trailer for Derick Martini’s adaptation of “Hick”. The story follows Luli (Chloe Moretz), a 13-year-old Nebraskan girl, and her rough life of crime and seduction on the road after she runs away from her neglectful parents. Taken in by Glenda (Blake Lively), a hard-living grifter, the two take Las Vegas by storm, guns in hand. Eddie Redmayne, Rory Culkin, Juliette Lewis and Alec Baldwin also co-star in the adaptation which is slated to hit UltraVOD on May 8th and heads to select theaters starting on May 11th at the beginning of the summer.
As far as I’m concerned, I can’t wait to see it. I’m curious how Chloe managed her role (and I have no doubts about it!) but the critics aren’t impressed by the film nor Chloe Grace. As one critic wrote when the film debuted at last year’s Toronto International Film Festival: “‘Hick’ is an even worse film than ‘Kick-Ass,’ and a potential [Chloe] Grace-Moretz career-killer.” We’ll see.
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