Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Chloë Moretz on “The 5th Wave”, the importance of badass female roles, and the need for more female directors
We’ve known the name Chloë Moretz for almost a decade, which is quite a feat given she’s only 18 years old. She’s already carved out a successful career playing numerous badass parts, namely as an 11-year-old Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass. And her latest film, The 5th Wave, shows her taking on yet another strong role.…
Made in Hollywood: full interview for ‘The 5th Wave’
Hey. Please watch interview with Chloe and Alex Roe for ‘The 5th Wave’. Many thanks to Michael Fleeman for this video :]
Coach 2016
Hello. Chloe had photoshoot for the new collection «Coach» 2016 :]
‘The 5th Wave’ – Photocall
Chloe Moretz at BBC Radio One Studios in London
Got any book recommendations?